Explanation of the entry conventions
The films are entered under a title in alphabetical order. The title is usually the German cinema title. This title is always followed in the entry by the title or titles in the country of origin of the film, if these differ, and further titles that were in use in Germany or Austria. The latter are not necessarily complete in view of a high number of re-titling.
Country of origin
The country of origin is indicated in abbreviated form; in the case of co-productions, different country abbreviations are separated by hyphens. Pure co-financing, for example by funds, is regularly not taken into account. The designations of the countries of origin are abbreviated as follows:
Australia | AUS |
Egypt | EG |
Afghanistan | AFG |
Algeria | AL |
Argentina | RA |
Federal Republic of Germany | BRD |
Belgium | B |
Bulgaria | BG |
Brazil | BRA |
China | CHI |
German Reich | D |
Denmark | DK |
German Democratic Republic | GDR |
Estonia | EST |
Finland | SF |
France | F |
Great Britain | GB |
Greece | GR |
Hong Kong | HK |
India | IN |
Ireland | IRL |
Israel | IL |
Italy | I |
Yugoslavia | YU |
Japan | J |
Canada | CND |
Colombia | KOL |
Cuba | CU |
Luxembourg | LUX |
Mexico | MEX |
National China | TAI |
Netherlands | NL |
Norway | N |
New Zealand | NS |
Austria | Ö |
Poland | PL |
Portugal | P |
Panama | PA |
Russia | R |
Romania | RU |
Sweden | S |
Switzerland | CH |
Soviet Union | SU |
Spain | SP |
South Africa | SA |
South Korea | SK |
Thailand | THAI |
Czech Republic | CZ |
Tunisia | TUN |
Turkey | TR |
Hungary | H |
Venezuela | VEN |
The length given corresponds to a speed of 25 frames per second, i.e. the television and video norm. This norm was chosen because it applies to the overwhelming number of viewings. The cinema and Blu-Ray value is 24 frames per second. The films then run slightly longer. The actual length of films is subject to fluctuations due to interventions of all kinds. Where – especially in the case of older films – different versions were noted during editing, this is noted in the text.
24 B/S | 25 B/S | 24 B/S | 25 B/S | 24 B/S | 25 B/S | 24 B/S | 25 B/S | 24 B/S | 25 B/S | ||||
60 | 58 | 84 | 81 | 108 | 104 | 132 | 127 | 156 | 150 | ||||
61 | 59 | 85 | 82 | 109 | 105 | 133 | 128 | 157 | 151 | ||||
62 | 60 | 86 | 83 | 110 | 106 | 134 | 129 | 158 | 152 | ||||
63 | 61 | 87 | 84 | 111 | 107 | 135 | 130 | 159 | 153 | ||||
64 | 62 | 88 | 85 | 112 | 108 | 136 | 131 | 160 | 154 | ||||
65 | 63 | 89 | 86 | 113 | 109 | 137 | 132 | 161 | 155 | ||||
66 | 64 | 90 | 87 | 114 | 110 | 138 | 133 | 162 | 156 | ||||
67 | 65 | 91 | 88 | 115 | 111 | 139 | 134 | 163 | 157 | ||||
68 | 66 | 92 | 89 | 116 | 112 | 140 | 135 | 164 | 158 | ||||
69 | 67 | 93 | 90 | 117 | 113 | 141 | 136 | 165 | 159 | ||||
70 | 68 | 94 | 91 | 118 | 114 | 142 | 137 | 166 | 160 | ||||
71 | 69 | 95 | 92 | 119 | 115 | 143 | 138 | 167 | 161 | ||||
72 | 70 | 96 | 93 | 120 | 116 | 144 | 139 | 168 | 162 | ||||
73 | 70 | 97 | 94 | 121 | 117 | 145 | 140 | 169 | 163 | ||||
74 | 71 | 98 | 95 | 122 | 118 | 146 | 141 | 170 | 164 | ||||
75 | 72 | 99 | 95 | 123 | 118 | 147 | 142 | 171 | 165 | ||||
76 | 73 | 100 | 96 | 124 | 119 | 148 | 143 | 172 | 166 | ||||
77 | 74 | 101 | 97 | 125 | 120 | 149 | 143 | 173 | 166 | ||||
78 | 75 | 102 | 98 | 126 | 121 | 150 | 144 | 174 | 167 | ||||
79 | 76 | 103 | 99 | 127 | 122 | 151 | 145 | 175 | 168 | ||||
80 | 77 | 104 | 100 | 128 | 123 | 152 | 146 | 176 | 169 | ||||
81 | 78 | 105 | 101 | 129 | 124 | 153 | 147 | 177 | 170 | ||||
82 | 79 | 106 | 102 | 130 | 125 | 154 | 148 | 178 | 171 | ||||
83 | 80 | 107 | 103 | 131 | 126 | 155 | 149 | 179 | 172 |
The year given is always the year of the first public screening, not the year in which the film was produced. If a significant gap between the two years was noticed during editing, the production year is noted in the text.
It is indicated whether a film was shot in colour (f) or in black and white (bw) or whether it has black and white and colour parts (tw). Virages in silent films are not considered colour. The fact that in individual cases colour films are shown in black and white or black and white films have been coloured is only noted in exceptional cases.
The format is given in the ratio width : height. In individual cases the format is not clear. In such cases the information is omitted. This information is of special importance for films shot in non-anamorphic ‚wide screen‘ processes. Where films were shot using the Techniscope process, this is indicated despite the standard format of 2.35 : 1, as it has an influence on the picture quality.
Literary source
The literary source is the supplier of the film subject matter. The title (wherever possible in the original language), the year (which can be the year of creation or publication) and its type are given:
Novel | R |
Play | St |
Novel | N |
Non-fiction | S |
Operetta | Opt |
Opera | O |
Musical | M |
Radio play | Hö |
Biography | Bio |
Article | Art |
Television play | FS |
Screenplay | DB |
Comic strip | CS |
The author(s) are also indicated. For operas, operettas and musicals, the composer and librettist are indicated.
Where known, directors who did not receive credit for their work are also listed. The official director is given first.
In the case of the screenplay, the customs of crediting vary through the countries and times, and the distinction from the ‚idea‘ is sometimes difficult. In theory, the latter would be the source of the material and the former its adaptation. Dialogue writers were generally listed with screenwriters.
Text part
The content is the first paragraph of the text part. Where possible, it begins with the place and time of the action. No distinction is made between real and fictional places of action. The characters of the plot are listed with their actor’s names, the names of the roles follow in brackets. In some cases, only the name of the character is known, but no actor can be assigned to it. In these cases, only the name is mentioned, and this in brackets. In the opposite case, only the name of the actor is given. This principle is broken in the case of animated films, where there are no actors, but at most speakers. At the beginning of the content, it is therefore indicated if it is an animated film. At the end of the content it is indicated if it is a silent film.